

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Yoga as prayer

Yoga is pretty amazing. I say this as a novice among novices! I can barely say some of the positions, let alone do them. But I try! Yoga is unlike any other type of exercise (except maybe Pilates, but that's missing the point.)
     As far as this amatuer can tell, the point of yoga is to become finer tuned with your body. It no wonder other religions have embraced the exercise. It takes focus off the self and achievement. It is not about reps but rather an emphasis on form and an internal versus external struggle. It is about stretching yourself (literally) beyond what you thought you were capable of. And isnt that what God asks about us? I think its a fantastic metaphor! For those of us who remain active, we are constantly building upon muscles and flexibility we have already built. IN our faith, the same thing goes. If we (spiritually) dont stretch or train, we become like those that sleep (1 Thes 5:7.)
     When we look back and see how much further we are able to reach after working at yoga, it brings an amazing feeling. Not only of accomplishment- but that what we are doing is not simply a waste of time. The same is true of our Life with God! If we follow Paul's direction to "Rejoice evermore" (1 Thes 5:16) we cannot help but find more to rejoice about! It may seem odd or uncomfortable at first, but much like holding a plank position for a long time, our relationship with God becomes more fluid when we work at it. We can do this by talking to Him. And like we just dont work our upper body (it would like a cartoon character, completely silly and awkward) our relationship with God is complex and diverse. Talk, but also listen. He often speaks in a soft, sweet voice (1 Kings 19: 12.) Why be afraid to vocalize what He already knows? He merely wants to hear it. Like a Tree Pose, it is easy. If you don't use your muscles (whether in yoga or God forbid running or any other  exercise) they atrophy. The same is true of your spiritual health. Exercise your spirit. CS Lewis said, "You do not have a soul. You are a soul who has a body." I love that quote! I know I keep using it but I just cant help it!
     How do we do our spiritual exercising? Charity, going to church, Bible studies, small groups, volunteering, mission trips- are all wonderful but the most effective is simply to pray. Talk to God. Ask His will. That will make it awfully easier to do. And like the goal of Yoga is to buiild a better body, isnt doing the Will of God the goal of every Christian?
     Like many positions (upward and downward dog, chaturanga) and types (Bikram, Hatha) of Yoga, there are also many ways to pray. Explore to find out what works best for you. Jesus gave us the model for our conversations with God in Matthew 6. At the risk of Ricky Bobby references, what Jesus do you pray to? The Great Healer? The Good Shepherd? The Almighty King? Buddy Christ (had to do a Dogma reference but I often talk to Jesus as one does to a best friend) or do you talk to Him as Father? Do you use a formal liturgy or are your prayers more off the cuff? Are they formed thoughts are childlike ramblings?

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