There's a lot of undue pressure being built up here! This post has been written and rewritten and written again, and thats before it was put to paper or keyboard! Of all the "poisons" put into our food HFCS, high fructose corn syrup, is by far the worst! It is also the most prevalent in our food supply! If that is not bad enough, the corn industry is doing their best to persuade the American people that there is no difference between Corn Syrup and table sugar. But the truth is, that while corn syrup is worse than pure or cane sugar, HFCS is the worst of the worst.
It takes a conscience decision to avoid it. Obviously its in candy, ice cream and sweets. You would be hardpressed to find cereals, chips, and pastas without it. Its in soda, soups, and sandwiches. Subway who markets themselves as the healthy alternative to eating out, has it as a major ingredient in all of thier breads, as well as fixings and sauces! I wanted to list just a few facts about HFCS because to be forewarned is to be forearmed!

Since the 1980s, HFCS replaces sugar and honey as the go to sweetners in pretty much everything. HFCS comes from genetically modified corn. Americans eat on average, about 60 pounds just of HFCS. It has made its way into more than 33% of the American food supply. Nutritionists and doctors do not support HFCS, actually they advocate the opposite. HFCS has a different biochemical structure than cane sugar. In fact HFCS generally brings with it a higher caloric intake. HFCS is often blamed for the weight gain and obesity epidemics in America. Princeton University tested this theory on rats and found the rats fed HFCS gained weight 300% over those fed cane sugar. The different structure messes with our bodies and how our bodies process insulin. Its no surprise that since that same period of time, the 1980s, Insulin Dependent (also known as Juvenile or Type II) Diabetes has had a dire increase! It leads to high blood pressure and a dramtic rise in bad cholesterol levels. Children are especially susceptible to all of these damaging effects!
Pure sugar once digested goes to all cells in the entire body, providing energy everywhere. HFCS, however, goes directly to the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys. Its no wonder that diseases including cancers of these organs imparticualrly occur in high HFCS diets. As does mercury posioning. People think they should avoid fish because of mercury, but fish has nothing on HFCS. Mercury has been linked to brain damage and nervous system deterioration.
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