It could be fake peanut butter. Sadly, not too many people are keen to purchase natural food like peanut butter. Many caim the same reason that they do not buy organic: cost. While many off brand items are the exact same thing, Kroger and Great Value peanut butter seems to be the exception. JIF and Peter Pan brands each claim 2% hydrogenated oil (trans fat), while the off brands remark "fully hydrogenated oil." Our bodies were not meant to process the additives and preservatives meant to expand shelf life.

Peanut butter is not particularly high in protein or carbs (but it couple well with foods that are such as bread.) It is, however, high in fiber. This is why it helps to keep you fuller longer. People who eat peanut butter habitually have been shown to eat less daily calories, and to eat less frequently than those who don't. This may also have to do with the items peanut butter is coupled with being high in the essiential amino acids that peanut butter does not have. However, peanut butter does contain Folsate, Vitamin E, and Magnesium. It also contains Zinc- good for the immune system and the libido.
I eat peanut butter almost everyday...... lol