Food Rules? You don't even eat half of the food I do and you want to preach to me about Food Rules? Fine. It was barely 100 pages so I figured a few days and it would be done. Make that one day!
Food Rules is Michael Pollan' condensed version of what we should be considering when deciding what goes into our systems. We treat our vehicles with much better respect than we do our own bodies. We get a new car every 5- 10 years and (as far as we know) this is the only earthly body we get.
The book is a series of sentences with small explanations. However, all of these sentences can be summed up in three. Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Basic rules that we all know yet over. But why do we overlook them? That is the discussion of Pollan's other book, most specifically the Omnivore's Dilemma. Food Rules reads more like an angel on our shoulder telling us to ask ourselves "do you really want to eat that?" before we engulf what may or may not be food. Pollan's other thesis amongst his writing is that not all food is food. Some, nay most, of the food we see actually is science experiments masqueading as food!
Food Rules is a nice, easy read. Not to heavy, not too intellectually. Jusst nice and breezy things to think about what is in that which we put into our bodies.
I think I'll check it out.