You would expect a health and wellness blog to tell you to stay away from chicken wings. Not those fatty, greasy, high caloric gifts from God, I am referring to the guys and gals you see in the gym , some with the vessel of a bodybuilder from Olympis. Some fit as can be. Yet when you begin to look at thier lower half, all you see is the product of neglect! Only working out your upper body is nopt only not good for you- it is downright dangerous!

The leg muscles are the largest and the most powerful in the entire body. So, why do so many people skip them as part of thier workout regimen? Lower body training should be essiential to your training. There really is no reason to ignore it. Your athleticism, and even your daily life, are dependent on your lower body being strong and powerful. Something as simple as getting out of bed or a chair without difficulty and without aid (such as a can, walker, or mechanical lift) is a result of a strong lower body. Neglecting the lower body can not only lead to weak leg muscles, making virtually all movement difficult, but it can also lead to poor posture and labored breathing. Osteoporosis and ther signs of bone weakening are also symptoms of a weak lower body. Since a weak lower body is often one that has chosen to neglect cardio, heart problems are often the case for those with weak lower halves.
Even if cardio gives you a heart attack (pun intended), there are other ways (through resistance and bodyweight training) to stregnthen your leg muscles. Squats are simply amazing because though they focus on the quads and the lower body, they also give stregnth to the core. The same is true of lunges. Add a bicep curl as you lunge, and this compound exercise has become an upper and lower body experience. Yoga is also another full body experience gaining popularity. As is plyometrics (jump training) and crosstraining (which owes much of its success to CrossFit's growing popularity, or is that the other way around?) No matter how you do it, the "chicken wings," or more accurately, the "chicken legs" should be left at the restaurant, not the gym!
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