My playlist generally consists of eight different types of songs. My playlist can be any from just eight different songs, to I once had one well over 120 songs. In retrospect, that was way too many!

Intro: Like the songs playing in an arena as a wrestler or boxer enters the ring. You need a song that says, "I am not here to play or hang out, but to work." This song can set the tone for the entire workout. I like songs like "Lose Yourself," which as well as great music to keep you going, also has some pretty motivational speak to it.
Motivation: As you build moment you need music that will help you to do the same. I call this the Stronger section, because in my playlist, it is often that I use "Stronger" by Kanye West, Britney Spears, and Kelly Clarkson. Christina Aguilera's "Fighter" is also a favorite of mine in this section.
Random Pop Song: I am not a fan of techno , but pop and techno music have some amazing beats. These songs allow you to lose yourself yourself in the music. If you know the words, even better! Then you are not able to doubt yourself through the last few reps, you are too busy singing your lungs out like a 14 year old girl! My favorites include Christina Aguilera's "Dirrrty" and Britney Spears "Toxic"
Song You Havent Heard In Forever: Nostalgia can do wonderful things! By now you are probably halfway through your workout, possibly getting tired. Maybe even exhausted by the monotnous routine, but there is something that hearing "Eye of the Tiger" or "Don't Stop Believing" does to you. Puts a little pep in your step!
Guilty Pleasure Song: These are songs that you would never admit to having in your playlist, but for one reason or another they put a smile on your face. They remind you that what you are doing here is fun. You drug yourself out of bed to reach a goal, sometimes its this song, and not the motivation song that reminds you about why you are here!
Abnormal Genre: Most of your playlist is probably the same artists or types of music, so it is good practice to keep it fresh by putting a random song in there. Amidst a lot of rap, Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats," "Quitter," and "Songs Like This" and System of a Down's "Chop Suey" often pop up!
Power Song: Your workout is almost done! This song gets you though the last little quarter. You are tired, your arms want to give out. You have forgotten what your legs feel like. Until this song comes on. For some unknown reason you show more power through this current state of exhaustion than you did at the beginning! Drake's "Forever", Skillet's "Awake and Alive", and Eminem's "Almost Famous" generally top this part of my workout.
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