There are going to be many twists and turns along the way. You might plateau. You may even feel as through your progress has regressed. You are not alone. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. Abraham Lincoln set records when it came to political failures. Walt Disney was told that he lacked creativity and imagination. Steve Jobs was fired from his own company. Muhammad Ali was stripped of his title and threatened with jail time. Oprah Winfrey was told that she had no place in television. Albert Einstein was considered slow by his teachers. They told him math was just out of his grasp of learning. Suze Orman was over $50,000 in debt. The Beatles were told that the music they played, "guitar music," was on its way out the door and that they would never make it in show business. They are just like you, they struggled. The difference is that they pushed through their struggles to fulfill their destiny as great!
Do not hate the struggle! Embrace it! It helps you to see what is really important to you. If a small struggle derails you, then what is really your passion? We need to realize that our struggles enable us to see
where our heart really lies. It removes the curtain prominently displaying our passions. There are several success stories, people who have triumphed over whatever adversity was laid before them. They,
however, went to present it as if they had always been blessed. That's not how life works. Our struggles mature us and reveal our character. Our struggles manipulate our spirit. They allow us to push aside that
which does not really matter to us. When we surpass a struggle, we are able to vividly see that which matters most to us! Is it your passion? Or merely a distraction? Did you really fail nearly a thousand times?
Or are you, like Thomas Edison, who found 999 ways how not to make a light bulb?
however, went to present it as if they had always been blessed. That's not how life works. Our struggles mature us and reveal our character. Our struggles manipulate our spirit. They allow us to push aside that
which does not really matter to us. When we surpass a struggle, we are able to vividly see that which matters most to us! Is it your passion? Or merely a distraction? Did you really fail nearly a thousand times?
Or are you, like Thomas Edison, who found 999 ways how not to make a light bulb?
Didn't get that modeling contract? Give it time! Gains not happening though you are lifting properly with a diet spot on? Don't worry- it is working! Colonel Sanders, Mark Zuckerberg, Dr Suess, Coco Chanel,
Jillian Michaels, Tony Horton, Vincent Van Gogh, Henry Ford, Elvis Presley, Sylvester Stallone, and Babe Ruth all knew failure and struggle before realizing their true potential! The point is that if you are struggling (and if you currently aren't- don't worry you will!), not to let your struggle define you. You must take advantage of it! Grow and develop with it. Give meaning to it. Okay, that did not work, but why? Get feedback and evaluate just what happened, and learn what needs to change. Be a student of your struggles. You should constantly be changing anyway! Never settle for a comfort zone! Without struggle, conflict, and climax there is no story! Make your is worth telling!
Jillian Michaels, Tony Horton, Vincent Van Gogh, Henry Ford, Elvis Presley, Sylvester Stallone, and Babe Ruth all knew failure and struggle before realizing their true potential! The point is that if you are struggling (and if you currently aren't- don't worry you will!), not to let your struggle define you. You must take advantage of it! Grow and develop with it. Give meaning to it. Okay, that did not work, but why? Get feedback and evaluate just what happened, and learn what needs to change. Be a student of your struggles. You should constantly be changing anyway! Never settle for a comfort zone! Without struggle, conflict, and climax there is no story! Make your is worth telling!