Those of you that "know" me, know I am not all that interested in the number on the scale. Perhaps thats a big fat lie because when it showed 180 today, I was ecstatic! When I put down my goal weight last year, it was to get under 200 lbs from 250, which I did! Then as I continued to lose, I seemed to shrink. Jokingly I was called anorexic by my friends, which was funny because portion control was (and is) a big problem for me! I stopped focusing on a number and just tried to become more tone. My chest and shoulders disappeared when I lost my weight. My stomach slimmed but didnt disappear. That said, a couple weeks a go I did begin to notice an upper abdominal muscle!
So what has worked? Logging my calories. I use, journaling sometimes helps, but not always. It helps make a slightly better decision, like forgoing 100 extra calories (cheese) or maybe working out a little longer! I gave up soda and energy drinks earlier this year for Lent, wow that was in March and its now December! My only slip up was when my mom and I had lunch and I grabbed the wrong cup. I picked up running and working out at home via a few DVDs. Now that I have a more precise plan of what I want, I have gone back to the gym and even work with a fantastic trainer. I call her my mini Jillian Michaels, which is pretty funny considering she is taller than the real one!
Anyhow, I just wanted to share my excitement about reaching another milestone. I think excitement is important! It keeps you focused! When I run, I love to hear it when the pros come on and cheer me on via my Nike+ app. I also use Boom from Nike when I work out at the gym. As my goals change, my support system seems to as well. I consider that a good thing! We should be constantly adapting, and those that say they support us should tested! Thank you for supporting me!